Xylocopa insularis
[Carpenter Bee]
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Classification: | Kingdom: Animalia | Phylum: Arthropoda | Class: Insecta | Order: Hymenoptera | Family: Apidae | Genus: Xylocopa |

This male bee above was spotted by coincident in May 2014 in a hole of the stem of the Simpoh Air shrub (Dillenia suffruticosa). At first, I saw a female bee visiting this hole but flew away relatively quickly. As I only managed to take 2 pictures, I decided to wait for a while, hopping that it will return. While observing the hole, I saw the head of an insect emerged. It did flew out but decided to turn back to the hole. However, I did not manage to capture a full body picture of the bee. Below is one of the pictures of the female bee.

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